Absolutely wonderful. This post hits the nail squarely on the head. As I’ve written elsewhere:

As long as the brainwashed sheeple kneel before the altar of the germ theory and all of its ridiculous iterations, the world will constantly be fed stories of “gain of function”, “pathogenic viruses”, “mutating viruses”, “barbaric jabs being safe and effective”, and will do whatever they’re told to do by “experts” who know what’s good for them.

Until the shift in knowledge eradicates the belief in that antiquated story, we will continue to see this horror show repeated and repeated and repeated.

Everything you’ve written should be read by everyone. It’s a condensed primer on the bullshit that’s been indoctrinated to generations of humans.

And with that, we should point out that the principles of “modern” medicine owes its evil and thoroughly false concepts to Rockefeller Carnegie and Flexner, who should be rotting in hell for bastardizing medicine and murdering countless numbers of humans.

Thank you again for your report and post.

May god bless you. We need more people like you.

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I am new to the No such thing as a virus debate but am not surprised at all that they don’t exist and that we are not being hoodwinked, again, by the powers that be!!! With a Bachelors in Biology, Masters & Doctorate level study in it and 30 years working as an Industrial Hygienist in the Environmental, Safety and Health fields I always just took the germ theory and theory of viruses to be facts! Now I am researching the information you have referenced and others & starting to see the Virus Straw Man for what it truly is! Keep up the good work my friend!!!

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Most of us are converts! After all, they've been lying to us for about 200 years... ;)

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Check out Dr Sam Bailey. She wrote a more recent addendum to a virology book. Unfortunately I can’t remember the name. But her website probably has it.

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The book is Virus Mania :)

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Oh yes! Thank you!

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She also re-released and co-authored 'Terrain Therapy" - another good read.

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Kudos to you, Michael, for your open-mindedness that allows you to consider information new to you, which I think you will find, deserves your attention.. It is my experience that most people who have participated in the educational system as long as you have, have likewise succumbed to the indoctrination, instead of retaining their critical judgment, which is the vehicle for Man's advancement.

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This is great! Thank you for writing this! The profoundly important information in this may be lost on the masses. But it rings true and has so much potential to help humanity when we need it the most. I also find Dawn Lester and David Parker informative and very helpful. They wrote The Real Truth About Health. And I believe have a website with the same name. I am just an average person. I don’t have advanced degrees and am an artist. Somehow I found my way here and understand most of this. I am not good with math and science. I am just a mom and grandmother. I live an average life. I have stumbled upon all of this. And I grew up near West Point randomly. When all this started to happen a few years ago it seemed off to me. I found Dr Pam Popper and Dr John Ionaiddes too. I tried questioning it all. I shared my questions and concerns on sm. I sent websites and webinars to friends and family. I was sent back an unwillingness to question and angry responses. I feel somewhat vindicated now but still sad angry and frustrated by it all. Most people I care the most about got the jabs...for a variety of reasons. My heart has been broken by all of it. I could only find other people online who could comprehend this. I also found Dr Sam Bailey. And most recently Sasha Latypova. Anyway it’s been 24/7 shitshow. Thank God it’s starting to crack the veneer of truth and hopelessness now.

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Thank you.

Our book is called What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong.

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Oh Jees. Sorry. I botched the name! Your work is amazing! Mind blowing in fact!

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No problem.

And thank you for your kind words and support, it is most appreciated. 😊

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Ohhh Thanks!! I’ll get that book next!! Wonderful!

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Thank you so much. Your support is appreciated.

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I was also just watching a video on lessons from “The Matrix” movie and in talking about the character of “Cypher” the movie challenges it’s own thesis “that mankind truly wants liberation and enlightenment!” Which caught my attention and reminded me so much about all the people who took the Covid jabs even after they were told they were dangerous and who no matter how much information to the contrary of their safe and effective narrative they are given, still believe what they are told by our government and big Pharma!!!

From the video “The character of Cypher forces us to consider which would we really choose? A difficult but free life, or blissful subjugation?” It goes on to say, “Many of us prefer the lie and will even fight to preserve it if that illusion MAINTAINS our material comforts and protects us from suffering!” Morpheus tells Neo, “Many of these people are not ready to be unplugged! And many of them are so inept... so hopelessly dependent on the system... that they will FIGHT to protect it!”

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"A difficult but free life!!!"

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Yes it makes sense. So much easier to just go along with the crowd. Complying and accepting every stupid thing the evil ones come up with. Nazi Germany 2.0.

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I loved your comment, the comparison with The Matrix is spot on, always loved the character of Cypher ... need to watch it again for the 100th time. I don't know what can make them wake up.

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Many of us are heartbroken because family and friends would not even give a glance to any articles we asked them to look at even well before they started stabbing people.

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As a related point to this I include the following comment which I made a few days back concerning the interview RFK did with Denis Rancourt.

While this does not speak to the discussions around virology it does speak to the discussions around the false notion that there was a "pandemic" and the over all tenor of these discussion.

If you listen to this interview with Denis Rancourt you will see multiple examples that illustrate RFK's inherent contradictions and assorted logical fallacies as he discusses and attempts to defend the notion that there was a viral pandemic.

Are we suppose to ignore this?

Look this is THE guy who sits atop the mountain of the "health freedom movement." Yet on this most basic of questions he hasn't the capacity to discuss this with any degree of intellectual rigor. He simply doesn't know much about it- admits he doesn't- yet not only forms (and has) a firm hypothesis (which defies all logic and biological and medical history) but has the audacity to state that his cock-eyed theory is what EVERYONE should hold to be true.

And guess what- because he is seen as THE sacred cow virtually everyone who hears the words out of RFK's mouth will believe this patently absurd theory EVEN AS he openly admits he doesn't know much about one of the lynchpins of his theory.

That's nuts man, and I can guarantee that if it were the other way around people would be skewering Rancourt but I guess RFK is to get a pass here cause it might "hurt the cause" or "create division? What crazy logic is this?

This snippet is not unique it is indicative.

BTW Tuscany is in western Italy, west of the Apennines, south and west of the actual region which appeared to be heavily impacted. He couldn't even get the damn place right and knows zero about what has been happening in N Italy for the last 15 years- hint: it ain't a virus.

Here is the interview:


In this instance RFK was in way over his head. He sidestepped many of Rancourt's points which illustrated via concrete evidence there was no pandemic.

Here is a snippet from the transcript. At this point in the interview Kennedy is responding to Rancourt's evidence that viral transmission could not be possible for excess mortality as it has been stated. Note that RFK postulates a theory as to how the viral spread occurred in N Italy AND "most people" would recommend this:


"Okay, so let me push back on you. Yeah. You know, I think most people are going to recommend here, which is that the reason that you had these huge number of deaths in Paris and New York and for example, in northern Italy, which you did not mention in Tuscany, the same time as earlier, actually, than the spikes that I was mentioning. I'd love to hear your explanation for that. Because that seemed to be I mean, that's where we all got the idea that this virus was galloping through and killing lots and lots of people. And they didn't have remdesivir in Italy at that time, so something was killing people."

The conversation returns to Italy and after Rancourt suggests the deaths there were mainly in hospitals RFK says the following:


"My impression I don't know much about Italy either than the news reports and having been over there and people having the impression..."

Read that again- RFK freely admits he doesn't know much about what happened in Italy but just 23 minutes earlier he used N Italy as an example for his "hypothesis."

There are multiple other examples of RFK's lack of coherence. He simply can't or won't come to terms with the fact that there was no pandemic it was administrative slaughter by the Bio-Security State used to instill fear, force lockdowns, roll out mRNA's and smash the economic order for the Going Direct Great Reset as decided upon by the G7 nations in 2019 at Jackson Hole.

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Covid19 only began because 5G was rolled out.

I wish I didn't have to keep raising this issue..

I wish I was not the only one doing it.

Wuhan, Bergamo in Northern Italy, Tehran, London and New York ALL SAW ROLL OUTS OF 5G IN THAT ORDER AND CORRELATED WITH COVID19.

See the study done by a Spanish doctor at the time:


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2 separate phenomenon, one real (5G), the other completely fake that distracts from the real causes of respiratory symptoms (which many convid cases had none of). The convid cases are based on fraudulent, meaningless laboratory tests. They are not legit, they are not validated for detecting any illness, and the number of "cases" at any given place/time were/are easy to manipulate. There are no legit convid statistics or studies, it's all meaningless. Perhaps they highlighted these cities to distract from the 5G rollout, which wouldn't be surprising me at all. But assigning some sort of reality to the so-called "rates of infection" is not based on any science. The PCR tests weren't even reliable for detecting the tiny genetic sequences that were passed off as markers for "the virus". And by tinkering with cycle thresholds and doing more or less testing, the numbers can be made to go up or down. The data is garbage, other than as a measure of fraud.

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Everything we think we know is a lie. We must first assume fraud, then research until we find what is true. I am fortunate to have a healthy curiosity. Sadly, many have had that vital human quality expunged through education (one right answer), media, and the desire for acceptance.

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Yes, whatever the effects of 5G I think it is a mistake to link them to covid simply because covid doesn't exist; its alleged to have just about all the common detox symptoms which were around way before both 5G and the Drosten PCR, We do not know if they have increased recently.

The covid deaths in the UK seemed to peak in May 2020 and consisted mostly of imprisoned, elderly people exposed to Matt Hancock. The death rate fell in 2021 and fell again in 2022- heading back to the all time lows of the 'teens. The 5G roll out coming here in 2023 may well have an effect, but 'covid' has pre-empted it.

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"The covid deaths in the UK seemed to peak in May 2020 and consisted mostly of imprisoned, elderly people" who were either in hospitals or care homes where 4+5G antennae were installed on the roofs!!

The COVER STORY of covid is a thin disguise for the impact of 5G and frankly I am not waiting for any of you to catch up with my research. I am fed up of you all selling your individual narratives without substantial research to support it.

I have moved on......

I am looking for SOLUTIONS!


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We're all for solutions, Fran, but not by legitimizing the fake covid tests/diagnoses/statistics. If you understood the nature of the tests, you'd realize how absurd and useless the statistics are. And the so-called covid deaths involved many factors, people were murdered via various pathways.

It's offensive to say that I'm "selling" anything. I think only once or twice EVER have I even mentioned donations in my newsletters; I've neglected my personal life to expose this fraud and am far worse off than if I'd been putting myself first. And to say that there is not substantial research behind my work, or the no-virus movement, is just absurd and ignorant.

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OK. I give up with you Christine. You are triggered and have completely misunderstood what I am saying.

When you calm down long enough to re-read my comments and the links I have provided you will see that I consider the entire COVID NARRATIVE fraudulent, just like you...... HOWEVER, there was SOMETHING making people very ill at the beginning of 2020 and it correlated to the roll out of 5G which I have shown to be the case repeatedly ever since.

There is no "no-virus" movement, Christine! There are a few people who loosely agree on some issues but not all.


I also KNOW that electro-magnetic radiation is causing irreparable harm to ALL LIFE not just humans so whether you and your chums in the "movement" accept me as a member of your exclusive effin club OR NOT, I am researching how to defend life against the impact of electro-magnetic radiation and your little chums club can lump it.

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I agree that 5G is a big part of the master plan but this plandemic is a crucial piece and if we don't get this right the masses, those who survive, will be trapped in the fake illness/fake cure system forever.

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yes fake or not people are still scared of viruses - and billy boy is gearing up for even worse lab leaked faked ones

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The plandemic is a FAKED NARRATIVE - how many times do I have to say this???????????????????


They are covering up for the impact of 5G and if we do not stop the electro-magnetic radiation nobody will survive!

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there better not be antennae on my local care home cos it's next door.

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Well why don't you go out and look? Seems logical to me!

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March 20-21, 2021 also saw the highest rate of deaths from "the virus", as the largest amount of SpaceX and OneWeb satellites to date (96) were deployed that day.

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The whole publicity stunt which was Covid19 is a COVER for the damage being done by the roll out of 5G.

Please see my latest research here:


As you can see - I am not waiting for any of you to catch my drift. I am looking for solutions!

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I'll suggest The Solution - start ripping down all the technology involved with 5G that exists all around you. Antennas, towers, repeaters, etc, etc. It's all right there, surrounding you - the tech of tyranny.

Everyone simply allows it to exist.

If you are thinking of protesting, forget the placards and chants. Bring a ladder, hacksaw and hammer.

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I think that we have to be a tad tech savvy to do that.... otherwise we could electrocute ourselves!

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Frances, you seem to be conflating two separate things together, like many people do.

1) The Official Story of CONVID: True of False?

2) Are people from around the world all showing signs of suffering from a New Disease? And if so, what's causing it?

These two questions **must be dealt with separately**. Because as soon as we start saying "5G is what caused COVID", then we are implicitly accepting the official CONVID narrative as true, which it clearly is not.

As Amandha Vollmer says, THERE IS NO "IT!" https://yummy.doctor/player-embed/id/5048/?autoplay=1

What my colleagues and I have been doing is calling out the CORE FRAUD of CONVID. This can be demonstrated a dozen different ways, beginning with the FAKE VIRUS, FAKE SYNDROME, FAKE TEST, FAKE ETIOLOGY, FAKE PROOF (that the Phantom Virus causes the non-distinguishing Syndrome), FAKE DISEASE, which all equals => FAKE PANDEMIC.

Only when we are all clear on #1 can we embark on #2.

If we ask the question, "Why were people in Wuhan getting pneumonia?", there are many reasons for this. 10,000 new 5G stations certainly deserves investigation, as Arthur Firstenberg's research has shown. But Wuhan is also known for its notoriously bad air pollution, including emissions from several large waste incinerators within the city limits.

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A huge threat to our health and all life involves spraying our skies daily!! It can be a combination of this and 5G! That's what I honestly believe.

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You said I 'appear' to be conflating...... You are very wrong. The narrative of Covid19 was only a COVER for the impact of 5G.

Please see my latest research here:


As you can see - I am not waiting for any of you to catch my drift. I am looking for solutions!

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There's no such thing as "Covid-19" except in the hologram world, tabletop exercises and propaganda systems.

5G is toxic alright but what happened in Bergamo, e.g., is multi-factorial as is the case with Wuhan, NYC, London and Tehran.

If you are going to focus exclusively on 5G you wil be missing a constellation of other factors.

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I don't agree with you. The "constellation of other factors" i.e., pollution etc were around for many years and they did not cause the symptoms known as Covid19. If you look up the symptoms of electromagnetic radiation you will see what I mean.

But the mere fact that you are here arguing with me tells me that you won't do the research, you will just continue to assume you know best.


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The symptons of "Covid" are symptoms for just about any and everything under the sun.

Anyone who argues with Frances is wrong- pretty impressive logic there.

Well Frances in fact the "symptoms known as Covid-19" (whatever that means) have in fact been known and have been around for decades in Bergamo for but one example. And it is due to many factors long before 5G was in place.

The mere fact that you are arguing with me illustrates that you have done zero research into this and assume you know best and everything is caused by 5G.

How's that work for you.

Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION.

Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society.

Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.

There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.

"Covid-19" possible symptoms include:

Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Fatigue, Muscle or body aches

Headache, New loss of taste or smell, Sore throat, Congestion or runny nose, Nausea or vomiting,


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You nailed it. And you have a lot of patience to argue with her ...

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I require ten times as much patience to deal with snidey snipey comments like yours. You should thank your lucky stars that I am attending a very important conference on the effect of EMFs on ALL LIFE - including YOURS - and I am not available for the rest of this week to respond to the nonsense I see shared here.

When we finish this conference I will be back, maybe even better armed to raise awareness of this important topic.

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Young and healthy people suddenly having severe problems breathing(hence Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom) in conjunction or not long after 5G rollout? I admit I don't know enough of those cases. EMF, perhaps particularly,5G,is however associated with thrombogenesis, (blood clots) likely capable causing such symptoms and of course heart arrythmia (voltage gated calcium channels).

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Exactly! Thanks for the reminder.

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Not to mention what is being sprayed in our skies for decades!!!!

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Now you tell me what I already know and live with daily? Man, there are some real numb skulls on Substack!

The narrative of Covid19 was only a COVER for the impact of 5G.

Please see my latest research here:


As you can see - I am not waiting for any of you to catch my drift. I am looking for solutions!

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> The narrative of Covid19 was only a COVER for the impact of 5G.

Hmm. Now where have I heard this before....?

OH YES! Two dozen other times in comments on this same story. 🤷🤦

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I seem to recall VERY EARLY on - like Feb/March 2020.... there was a map going around that overlaid all the new 5G towers that were recently put up/turned on, with a map of the so-called "COVID hot spots", and it was a damn near perfect match. Did you see it? Wish I still had it.... that was one of the first signs to me that there is fuckery afoot and caused me to start digging deeper.

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Spacebusters at bitchute shows a map in his 5G Corona and how it correlates with cases of "Covid". Now we all know those tests are bullshit and that for some reason the "Yamagata B flu" went into hiding. I believe those more EMF sensitive were the ones having severe issues breathing . I consider the reaction detoxing.

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Spacebusters created this video in March 2020. What a shame that it was ignored by authorities and probably missed by most people who are commenting here, on this post:

https://www.bitchute.com/video/mWcUoESRO0c5/ PART ONE

https://www.bitchute.com/video/7NuuW1b9Z9rR/ PART TWO

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Yes, I created that map but it caused my account on Twitter to be removed so I don't have access to it any more.

However, as linked above, I found a Spanish doctor's research covered the same conclusions very well.



I was able to track down my original compilation of two official maps from the UK authorities. They covered March to June of 2020 and I have re-copied them, placed them side-by-side and added them here:


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Thanks for the link.

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That is the SAME LINK with which I first commented at the HEAD of this long thread.

People do not read links any more.

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To be fair this map shows countless correlations.

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No it doesn't. You obviously do not know the UK. Only certain cities were implementing 5G in 2020. It was those cities which showed the highest number of Covid deaths. Those which were delayed did not get 'infections' until later.

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Yes, 5G probably has toxic effects upon the body.

But if you're going to say that, then you had better disclaim it by emphasizing that THERE AIN'T NO CONVID!

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There is no covid. HOWEVER THERE IS A COVID NARRATIVE WHICH IS COVERING UP FOR 5G IMPACTS. Are you getting it yet Bill???

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I am getting that you are singularly focused on this one aspect, and that you express great hostility towards anyone who disagrees with you.

I agree that 5G needs to be discussed for /many/ reasons (toxic effects of the RF, potential for privacy-invading surveilance, trampling of local laws / loss of local sovereignty),

But as others have told you, there were a constellation of goals for rolling out "COVID" when they did: Totalitarian control, global depopulation... but the one thing which I think is the MAIN REASON, which no one ever talks about, and I certainly don't expect you to entertain with your arrogance and hubris, is that COVID is really a cover for Peak Oil.

I published this 21 March 2020:


Peak oil explains EVERYTHING!

Peak Oil PREDICTS food shortages, death of airlines, global lockdowns, mass human dieoff.

In fact, this was all discussed in the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation document, "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development"

Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20100701153436/http://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/news/publications/scenarios-future-technology

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Your AD HOMINEM insults just fell off like water off a duck's back. You are sore because you failed to understand my point. S'OK. I am used to those who fancy themselves as superior as you apparently do.

Peak Oil is a ruse. Oil is abiotic and there are many oil fields already explored and capped off (untapped resources). BP alone has enough untapped resources to keep oil flowing forever.

Research the Magnus Field (Arctic) and the SeaLion Field (Antarctic).... I bet you won't because, as I said before, you don't do research unless it fits your personal paradigm.

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People most likely did get sick when 5G was rolled out but it wasn't Covid-19. Like all the other illnesses blamed on viruses, there are many environmental agents making us sick. Northern Italy has horrendous air pollution as does Wuhan. Coincidentally, those supplying the poisons making us sick are the same planning and financing these false pandemics and vaccines.

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The narrative of Covid19 was only a COVER for the impact of 5G.

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They succeeded in killing a lot of people with their cure. P.S. I have also done years of study on 5G. I agree it is vital for their master plan of enslavement. Yes, during lockdowns they installed 5G.

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YAY! Finally I feel that SOMEONE here is catching my drift.

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Can we also conclude that the constant spraying in our skies of particulates could correspond with 5g

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While I have no doubt that 5G and other technologies can be harmful… clearly we need to be humble enough to investigate.

I think to automatically attribute many people being ill with a definitive cause in ALL cases is somewhat dangerous.

the no existent viral particle has been conveniently blamed and thus absolving all other possible causes… electro toxicity, toxic sprays, useless and harmful injections, constant poisoning…

No wonder so many people are sick … we need to consider how we can create more robust health and create excellent detox pathways.

peace love and health to all

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I wonder if there is something else standing in Kennedy's way? Something influencing him. I remember way back he said he didn't want to confuse legal battles CHD was involved in around 5G with the 'pandemic'.

Or is he being strong armed?

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Good question, Elizabeth. On that or related issues, I would share with you the website link that has a phenomenol amount of information on all of this, and from solid sources. The site belongs to my good friend, who worked at the UN for 18 years as a high-level Editor (which among other things means she is a highly skilled fact checker) and has access to experts and other sources for that information. Needless to say, her website is being suppressed, so please check it out and share widely: https://forlifeonearth.weebly.com/

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Looks like you refer to Claire Edwards - an excellent voice and very suppressed as you say. Her work on 5G has been terrific.

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How great that you know of Claire's work, Frances, and that you recognize its quality, Although I see you bear the same badge of honor, having been banned from many platforms. I certainly know what that feels like, too... Anyway, Claire is a true Warrior for Truth and a wonderful human being, in general. I am honored to call her friend.

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Oh thanks Frances, I'll look forward to reading it.

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I'll bookmark this link thank you.

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I believe strong armed. He knows who killed his uncle and his father, and the reasons why they were murdered.

I believe he HAS to hold his position or otherwise jeopardize his own life.

Hopefully the day will come when he’ll come to terms with himself and shout from mountain tops the truth he knows is true

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Yeah I wonder at this. I am of his generation and remember well when his father was assasinated.

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His position does not even come close to what his Uncle and his Father stood in relation to the politics of their time. Both were in influential positions within gov't ie. President and Attorney General. The assassination was a coup that put that dirt bag LBJ into office and Robert would have been a danger to those coup operators had he lived to run for President.

Robert Kennedy is in no danger as a "health lawyer" from that quarter.

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I don't think anyone was saying it does. I believe what's being said is he's staying clear of speaking to certain pieces so as not to jeopardize himself.

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Well, there's those "unsolved" Kennedy assassinations and deaths.

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wow... thank you for sharing this.

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I only heard of Denis Rancourt 2 days ago, watching an interview by jermwarfare. That blew my mind wide open to suddenly be in much deeper wider terrain. Then I saw the RFK junior interview. This time I was blown in another direction by JFK j inability to grasp the most clearly stated points Denis was making. Not only that he appeared studiously and seriously disinterested and dismissive to me. He surely can’t be this dumb considering his position.

Today I came across this open letter via Sasha Latypova and all these amazing comments. So pleased to read your very well described assessment Allen. I can now see clearly for the first time how well the counter intelligence has been set up.

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Thank you!!! This is absolutely perfect. I’m an RN and recently joined the NO virus camp… I’ve always been skeptical of germ theory… but after binge watching Sam Bailey, viral delusion, terrain theory, etc… it is plainly obvious that there is zero scientific evidence to support the existence of infectious “viral particles” and no evidence that bacteria are the cause of diseases. The truth is obvious once you investigate. I pray this becomes common Knowledge soon… yes, it’s hard to swallow and creates enormous cognitive dissonance… but it is time for a new paradigm. And the truth shall set you free!!!

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There is plenty of circumstantial evidence to support germ theory, such as people getting sick after being in close proximity to a sick person. For instance, chicken pox appears to be highly contagious.

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Agreed… people often get sick in proximity to each other. Yup, no argument there.

The question is why we think it is a tiny particle flying out if another persons nose, mouth, or floating in the air. That is what has never been adequately shown to exist. Perhaps we need to ask new questions and be humble enough to realize that there is a lot we do not know about the body.

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Do some research. Germ theory was a psyop from the start. Tom Cowan. Andrew Kaufman. Melissa Sell all have excellent videos. All are medical doctors or professionals (Dr Melissa Sell is a chiropractor and German New Medicine student)

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Yes thats why i havent embraced “ no viruses exist”. YET. Chicken pix measles flu diptheria et AL. Soneone needs to come up With a believe able alternate explanation. But im open

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Refutation is independent of replacement. Once the switch get flicked the absurdity of our beliefs in mystical things is just that, absurd. Meanwhile we are saturated in toxicity every minute of everyday.

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I suspect… and this is only a working theory… that contagion is something energetic… like when someone yawns and then everyone yawns, or when Womens menstrual cycles sync up. Have you ever been in a room with someone in a dark mood? That dark mood can be “contagious”… we speak of “infectious” laughter…or when someone is around someone sick and they think… “oh no, im going to get sick now!” … thoughts and feeling are very powerful and we have only scratched the surface of how we can influence each other…

This doesn’t even touch on exposure to similar environmental toxins… there are so many chemicals and toxins in various buildings, pollution and poor quality water that everyone spending time in s specific space may be exposed to.

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I dont disagree. Ket me throw another wrench that occurred to me : small pox infected blankets given to native anericans……..?

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It is a fact that people get sick. Its obvious that people influence each other… people do seem to get sick when around each other. Neither of these phenomenon prove that little tiny particles flying out of the mouth are nose are what is causing the illness. In fact, if you thoroughly look at the science, there is actually no evidence of these tiny particles (beyond what is manufactured in a lab). I found it remarkable when I discovered that you cannot find any viral particles in sick peoples snot… you can look at sick peoples snot under an electron microscope and never have they seen a “viral particle” … how strange is that? They tell us that millions are flying out of our mouths when we breathe… so where are they? They need to be “grown in a culture” which to me looks just like “manufactured in a lab.”

Yes, it would be fabulous if we understood why people get sick and how they influence each other… but first we need to let go of this antiquated and falsified notion of tiny invisible particles that no one has actually seen directly from a sick person or proved to cause anything…

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If viruses were real we would all be dead according to them. No way to contain a' Virus'!

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Could it be bacterial then??

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Yay, Alec! Thank you so much for doing this, great letter!! Let's hope that Del and RFK Jr. get their acts together pronto, and if not, that their followers pull away from their fear-and-fraud-based narratives and embrace reality. They'll be so much better off.


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There are others who listen to CHD who agree with us as I often make comments and get positive replies. This letter is excellent and I pray your voice will be heard. I don't think they can hide this much longer. I do believe there are people in the health freedom movement that CHD and Highwire are afraid to lose if they give voice to the virus and contagion myth. As Del always says they need to "BE BRAVE".

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The project Veritas guy James OKeefe says that too

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In my humble opinion this is a political problem and looking at it from any other perspective is naive. There are many hard truths lurking just below the surface.

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Let's see if they keep selling hopium or they begin to sell radical political action, like:

END THE FED (after an audit)

END THE CDC (take all names and numbers)

END THE FDA (gather all evidence in a safe place)








That is a viable electoral program, believe it or not.

Slogan: No to all.

Repeal the last 60 years!

Reparations for the victims.

It's kind of obvious at this point.

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Hopium is also “to believe they change”... when the truth is we do not need any of that alphabet soup land nonsense period. We are everything we need. We just have to remove us (our self’s, families and communities) from the Beast system!

And it doesn’t even need to be the whole country, the last time I spoke to someone like Robert Michael, we need to be just something around 2,000 families/communities to create our own nation.

Now that’s focusing on solutions instead of waiting for them to change—As long as we got us, all we have to do is sit back and watch their house of cards fall; like all beast societies do.

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It looks like if might be coming to that.

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I agree.

It would be nice if the neighbouring nations would had less psychopaths in power, though. And also for them to be less sick from vaccines. If they need less, they would not ask as much from their neighbours.

But they choose their own destiny.

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Love it!

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Brilliant piece, Alec, and the soul of integrity. It is for people like you that I was inspired to write the following a few years ago: https://steemit.com/poetry/@udbarflower/4ctie8-word-of-honor

And by the way, I was kicked off Medium for posting an article, written by a retired professor friend, on precisely the Terrain vs. virus discussion. Marcela alecram23@myyahoo.com

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Awesome poem!

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Thank you, Carolyn. You are most kind.

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Completely relate to your poem. Why don't you publish the article on substack now? Medium's loss. I think people are so over censorship now.

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It’s an industry. Bigtree and Kennedy appear to be in it for the revenue stream. They are ent the only ones. Malone, McCullough, Cole, etc. are pushing this fake science agenda. Bigtree and Kennedy give them their platforms. And the propaganda is harmful. They are keeping the sheep in a state of fear and anxiety. Pathetic.

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I am a physician who has crossed that Rubicon of virology. It was Mark Bailey’s, a farewell to virology that did it. It is a lonely existence at this time but undeniable.

I feel like Dorothy when she realized that the Wizard of Oz was just a fat white guy behind curtain.

Thank you.

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Maybe that movie was our in your face heads up! In disguise of course.

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I love this! In the last week, ive seen quite a few prominent figures now calling on these other voices with large platforms, with the ability to MAKE AN IMPACT, regarding the lie of virology. Ive also seen Larken Rose (a prominent figure for voluntaryism) calling out JP Sears and Russell Brand to look outside the right-left paradigm.

This is how we make a difference! Put their feet to the fire! Call on them BY NAME! Put the information IN THEIR HANDS. And if they still continue to hand-wave it away, then we know their position - and their brand risks losing the respect & momentum it has gained. If they claim to care about truth & freedom.... PROVE IT!!!!! Let's stop dancing around these "uncomfortable" discussions. Let's stop being scared of the conversations that may not be accepted by the majority of their audience. Its time to get uncomfortable as that is the only way change will truly happen. (This is one of my biggest complaints for the TLAV crowd.... Ryan Cristian has had Dr Kaufman on a few times and yet he still pretends like he "doesn't know" and has outright admitted that he doesn't want to go down that path because its not "easily digestable"... I came to a point where I could no longer engage because every day, he speaks from "within the narrative" and it gets old)

Lets make a dent in a century-old LIE!!!! 🙌

Edit: PS...Del Bigtree is very aware of this. He had Andy Kaufman on his show at least twice now and did a deep dive on this. Then he continued to pretend like it never happened.... that to me is unacceptable.

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Alec, I want to speak to something that I am guessing will be highly unpopular. And I hope you can hear me.

But first I would like to say that you have stepped up so beautifully to do the work you are doing these past three years and I thank you sincerely.

From the beginning of this insanity there has been a celebrity aspect to some who stand up and speak out. Those who were well known and then vilified for speaking out and put on lists to be watched. We all need to remember that there are many many foot soldiers, people who speak out but are not on podiums or in the public eye. People who have lost businesses, ability to support themselves, who have taken the heat without support.

I am not saying that you are not aware, but there is another piece here that concerns you. Your work stands alone, speaks for itself. You don't need to promote yourself as you so beautifully speak to what is happening.

There is incredible frustration here, for all of us. But when someone who is on the stage has some (very understandable) behavioral trait (and in this I am not speaking of you) that might come off as arrogant or mocking, it does help others who struggle to hear actually hear.

And on a feed like yours (again this is not directed at you) calling people trolls or jumping on them does not help the cause or help people open their minds. It's not behavior that helps push this work

forward. And makes it much easier for those who cannot entertain a shift in perspective, to do so.

I hope you understand my intention.

This is a huge step in the way a species sees the world. A huge important step. It might be too late but it should never be given up.

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The germ theory of dis-ease is the most unscientific hocus pocus ever foisted upon the human population and has an ocean of blood on it's hands. The century + of lies is now being exposed, the genie is out of the bottle whether Del and his cronies like it or not. Truth will prevail.

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Bravo! We need more voices calling every paradigm built by the elites into question. We're stronger when we stand together in Truth.

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Understand this.....we now KNOW for certain that EVERYTHING about virology is HYPOTHETICAL.....for instance, they have NEVER shown a virus "hijacking" cells in the human body.....so phrases like "viral load" are HYPOTHETICAL......viral load has NEVER been shown in vivo........you DON'T cough out virus and kill granny, that is also a hypothesis never proven in the real world....this was a scare tactic utilized to great effect to get draconian COVID mandates implemented...they have NEVER shown virus in a person's saliva, for instance.....they have NEVER found a virus on a doorknob or ANY surface for that matter......they have never found a virus to be airborne...it’s ONLY a theory.....they have NEVER found a virus in the blood or tissue of a human. EVER!...THINK ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS OF THAT....there is not a piece of published literature anywhere on Earth that shows a sick person in a room made other people sick with the same illness...virology is a fraud, contagion has NEVER been proven, EVER...and COVID 19 is the single greatest crime EVER committed...call them out to their faces.....

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