Your AD HOMINEM insults just fell off like water off a duck's back. You are sore because you failed to understand my point. S'OK. I am used to those who fancy themselves as superior as you apparently do.
Peak Oil is a ruse. Oil is abiotic and there are many oil fields already explored and capped off (untapped resources). BP alone has eno…
Your AD HOMINEM insults just fell off like water off a duck's back. You are sore because you failed to understand my point. S'OK. I am used to those who fancy themselves as superior as you apparently do.
Peak Oil is a ruse. Oil is abiotic and there are many oil fields already explored and capped off (untapped resources). BP alone has enough untapped resources to keep oil flowing forever.
Research the Magnus Field (Arctic) and the SeaLion Field (Antarctic).... I bet you won't because, as I said before, you don't do research unless it fits your personal paradigm.
Ad hominem? Sorry, I meant no insult. I didn't say you were a bad person. I said you express arrogance and hubris. This is what I see. It's not meant as a judgment.
> Peak Oil is a ruse.
Peak oil can be demonstrated to be True in as many ways as CONVID can be shown to be FALSE.
> Oil is abiotic
That is ridiculous. People who believe in abiotic, abiogenic, or "deep oil" are desperate junkies who are needing a fix, and refuse to believe that there is no more junk available.
Every container, cup, bowl, pond, vessel, pool, or tank you have ever seen is of a FINITE volume. Every commodity you've ever seen, apples, trees, fish: are all FINITE in number and mass. WHY would you assume that Petroleum is infinite?
And BY THE WAY... it takes energy to drill those wells. The metric is EROEI: (net) Energy Returned On Energy Invested. Here's a relevant video I made 10 years ago, of David Hughes of the Post Carbon Institute:
By the 1900, EROEI of an average oil well might be 100:1.
Today it's around 5:1. Now while 1:1 is what David Hughes calls the Ultimate Barrier, as a practical matter, we never really get there. Because the whole scheme collapses before the last drop is extracted. It simply becomes too costly with no payback.
The Magnus, SeaLion, and Chayvo Sakhalin field in Russia are all near tectonic subduction zones. That explains the "deep" part. ALL oil and gas from around the world is typically found between ~3000'ft to 10,000 ft. (unless it's near a tectonic subduction zone)
> there are many oil fields already explored and capped off (untapped resources).
That is ridiculous. It shows that you don't know anything about the oil and gas industry. If BP and the majors had all these untapped resources, then why are the spending $10B just to develop 1 new oil well, just to have it turn out to be a big dud? Just like what happened to Exxon in Guyana recently.
>BP alone has enough untapped resources to keep oil flowing forever.
This is what I mean about arrogance. You have ZERO curiosity to learn what I know. You just are an internet expert, and you love telling me I'm wrong before you have heard what I have to say.
I don't know where you get your information from, but Peak Oil DISCOVERY occurred in about 1965. Look it up. The Peak of *convention* oil production occurred in ~2005.
We had a BLIP of new production come online due to various kinds of what I call, Extreme Energy (Deep Ocean Drilling, Arctic Drilling, High Volume Hydrofracturing, Acid Fracking, Frankenstein Tar Sands "Oil", etc.)
But that required TRILLIONS of dollars of capital expenditures, and the Extreme Energy Blip is OVER.
The BIG ECONOMIC CRASH 2/2020, right at the start of CONVID was a crash due to a Post-Peak COLLAPSE of an economic system and global logistics and world trade based on the assumption of Cheap Petroleum, now gone forever. (the Global Peak was 11/2018).
THIS was a primary reason for closing down all of the factories. Because global capitalism COLLAPSED, and they COULD NOT KEEP THEM OPEN ANYWAY. The global supply lines could not fulfill their contracts. So the Billionaires pulled the plug, and did a "Great Reset", with a Fake Pandemic.
Haha. Someone who just might know more than you about something calls you out on your half-baked misinfo delivered with extreme arrogance and certainty...
I have about zero self esteem right now. I am the lowest of the low. I just narrowly escaped homelessness, and was preparing myself to abandon all of my belongings, and everthing that I was. I feel like the walking dead.
I only speak about things of which I have some authority. And I have authority on this subject. I am happy to engage in polite conversation with anyone who has curiosity to hear what I have to say, and with people whom I have a non-zero chance at persuasion.
Clearly that is not you, Frances. Because you already have all of the answers, and I am an idiot, according to you.
So I am leaving this here for others who might find it. I do not expect polite engagement from you.
You do not know very much about the oil and gas industry. That much is evident. I don't care what you think about me. This is not the first time you have behaved like a bully and I dare say it won't be the last.
Maybe this character flaw is the root of your personal problems, which hardly needed to be dragged into this conversation.
Your AD HOMINEM insults just fell off like water off a duck's back. You are sore because you failed to understand my point. S'OK. I am used to those who fancy themselves as superior as you apparently do.
Peak Oil is a ruse. Oil is abiotic and there are many oil fields already explored and capped off (untapped resources). BP alone has enough untapped resources to keep oil flowing forever.
Research the Magnus Field (Arctic) and the SeaLion Field (Antarctic).... I bet you won't because, as I said before, you don't do research unless it fits your personal paradigm.
Ad hominem? Sorry, I meant no insult. I didn't say you were a bad person. I said you express arrogance and hubris. This is what I see. It's not meant as a judgment.
> Peak Oil is a ruse.
Peak oil can be demonstrated to be True in as many ways as CONVID can be shown to be FALSE.
> Oil is abiotic
That is ridiculous. People who believe in abiotic, abiogenic, or "deep oil" are desperate junkies who are needing a fix, and refuse to believe that there is no more junk available.
Every container, cup, bowl, pond, vessel, pool, or tank you have ever seen is of a FINITE volume. Every commodity you've ever seen, apples, trees, fish: are all FINITE in number and mass. WHY would you assume that Petroleum is infinite?
And BY THE WAY... it takes energy to drill those wells. The metric is EROEI: (net) Energy Returned On Energy Invested. Here's a relevant video I made 10 years ago, of David Hughes of the Post Carbon Institute:
By the 1900, EROEI of an average oil well might be 100:1.
Today it's around 5:1. Now while 1:1 is what David Hughes calls the Ultimate Barrier, as a practical matter, we never really get there. Because the whole scheme collapses before the last drop is extracted. It simply becomes too costly with no payback.
The Magnus, SeaLion, and Chayvo Sakhalin field in Russia are all near tectonic subduction zones. That explains the "deep" part. ALL oil and gas from around the world is typically found between ~3000'ft to 10,000 ft. (unless it's near a tectonic subduction zone)
> there are many oil fields already explored and capped off (untapped resources).
That is ridiculous. It shows that you don't know anything about the oil and gas industry. If BP and the majors had all these untapped resources, then why are the spending $10B just to develop 1 new oil well, just to have it turn out to be a big dud? Just like what happened to Exxon in Guyana recently.
>BP alone has enough untapped resources to keep oil flowing forever.
This is what I mean about arrogance. You have ZERO curiosity to learn what I know. You just are an internet expert, and you love telling me I'm wrong before you have heard what I have to say.
I don't know where you get your information from, but Peak Oil DISCOVERY occurred in about 1965. Look it up. The Peak of *convention* oil production occurred in ~2005.
We had a BLIP of new production come online due to various kinds of what I call, Extreme Energy (Deep Ocean Drilling, Arctic Drilling, High Volume Hydrofracturing, Acid Fracking, Frankenstein Tar Sands "Oil", etc.)
But that required TRILLIONS of dollars of capital expenditures, and the Extreme Energy Blip is OVER.
The BIG ECONOMIC CRASH 2/2020, right at the start of CONVID was a crash due to a Post-Peak COLLAPSE of an economic system and global logistics and world trade based on the assumption of Cheap Petroleum, now gone forever. (the Global Peak was 11/2018).
THIS was a primary reason for closing down all of the factories. Because global capitalism COLLAPSED, and they COULD NOT KEEP THEM OPEN ANYWAY. The global supply lines could not fulfill their contracts. So the Billionaires pulled the plug, and did a "Great Reset", with a Fake Pandemic.
You say "It's not meant as a judgment." which is a lie.
As you lie so easily I shall not be reading the rest of your b/s.
Haha. Someone who just might know more than you about something calls you out on your half-baked misinfo delivered with extreme arrogance and certainty...
... and you refuse to consider it and FOLD.
Haha. Typical.
OK Bye for now. Have a great day.
You know nothing beyond the sheer magnitude of your own self esteem.
I have about zero self esteem right now. I am the lowest of the low. I just narrowly escaped homelessness, and was preparing myself to abandon all of my belongings, and everthing that I was. I feel like the walking dead.
I only speak about things of which I have some authority. And I have authority on this subject. I am happy to engage in polite conversation with anyone who has curiosity to hear what I have to say, and with people whom I have a non-zero chance at persuasion.
Clearly that is not you, Frances. Because you already have all of the answers, and I am an idiot, according to you.
So I am leaving this here for others who might find it. I do not expect polite engagement from you.
You do not know very much about the oil and gas industry. That much is evident. I don't care what you think about me. This is not the first time you have behaved like a bully and I dare say it won't be the last.
Maybe this character flaw is the root of your personal problems, which hardly needed to be dragged into this conversation.
Funny that is my perception of you.
I have tried to engage with your politely.
Whereas all that you have for me (in addition to your misconceptions about petroleum) is disrespect, contempt, name calling, and insults.
OK, bye for now. You get the last word. Over and out.