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Thank you!!! This is absolutely perfect. I’m an RN and recently joined the NO virus camp… I’ve always been skeptical of germ theory… but after binge watching Sam Bailey, viral delusion, terrain theory, etc… it is plainly obvious that there is zero scientific evidence to support the existence of infectious “viral particles” and no evidence that bacteria are the cause of diseases. The truth is obvious once you investigate. I pray this becomes common Knowledge soon… yes, it’s hard to swallow and creates enormous cognitive dissonance… but it is time for a new paradigm. And the truth shall set you free!!!

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There is plenty of circumstantial evidence to support germ theory, such as people getting sick after being in close proximity to a sick person. For instance, chicken pox appears to be highly contagious.

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Agreed… people often get sick in proximity to each other. Yup, no argument there.

The question is why we think it is a tiny particle flying out if another persons nose, mouth, or floating in the air. That is what has never been adequately shown to exist. Perhaps we need to ask new questions and be humble enough to realize that there is a lot we do not know about the body.

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Do some research. Germ theory was a psyop from the start. Tom Cowan. Andrew Kaufman. Melissa Sell all have excellent videos. All are medical doctors or professionals (Dr Melissa Sell is a chiropractor and German New Medicine student)

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Yes thats why i havent embraced “ no viruses exist”. YET. Chicken pix measles flu diptheria et AL. Soneone needs to come up With a believe able alternate explanation. But im open

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Refutation is independent of replacement. Once the switch get flicked the absurdity of our beliefs in mystical things is just that, absurd. Meanwhile we are saturated in toxicity every minute of everyday.

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I suspect… and this is only a working theory… that contagion is something energetic… like when someone yawns and then everyone yawns, or when Womens menstrual cycles sync up. Have you ever been in a room with someone in a dark mood? That dark mood can be “contagious”… we speak of “infectious” laughter…or when someone is around someone sick and they think… “oh no, im going to get sick now!” … thoughts and feeling are very powerful and we have only scratched the surface of how we can influence each other…

This doesn’t even touch on exposure to similar environmental toxins… there are so many chemicals and toxins in various buildings, pollution and poor quality water that everyone spending time in s specific space may be exposed to.

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I dont disagree. Ket me throw another wrench that occurred to me : small pox infected blankets given to native anericans……..?

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It is a fact that people get sick. Its obvious that people influence each other… people do seem to get sick when around each other. Neither of these phenomenon prove that little tiny particles flying out of the mouth are nose are what is causing the illness. In fact, if you thoroughly look at the science, there is actually no evidence of these tiny particles (beyond what is manufactured in a lab). I found it remarkable when I discovered that you cannot find any viral particles in sick peoples snot… you can look at sick peoples snot under an electron microscope and never have they seen a “viral particle” … how strange is that? They tell us that millions are flying out of our mouths when we breathe… so where are they? They need to be “grown in a culture” which to me looks just like “manufactured in a lab.”

Yes, it would be fabulous if we understood why people get sick and how they influence each other… but first we need to let go of this antiquated and falsified notion of tiny invisible particles that no one has actually seen directly from a sick person or proved to cause anything…

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If viruses were real we would all be dead according to them. No way to contain a' Virus'!

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Could it be bacterial then??

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