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"The covid deaths in the UK seemed to peak in May 2020 and consisted mostly of imprisoned, elderly people" who were either in hospitals or care homes where 4+5G antennae were installed on the roofs!!

The COVER STORY of covid is a thin disguise for the impact of 5G and frankly I am not waiting for any of you to catch up with my research. I am fed up of you all selling your individual narratives without substantial research to support it.

I have moved on......

I am looking for SOLUTIONS!


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We're all for solutions, Fran, but not by legitimizing the fake covid tests/diagnoses/statistics. If you understood the nature of the tests, you'd realize how absurd and useless the statistics are. And the so-called covid deaths involved many factors, people were murdered via various pathways.

It's offensive to say that I'm "selling" anything. I think only once or twice EVER have I even mentioned donations in my newsletters; I've neglected my personal life to expose this fraud and am far worse off than if I'd been putting myself first. And to say that there is not substantial research behind my work, or the no-virus movement, is just absurd and ignorant.

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OK. I give up with you Christine. You are triggered and have completely misunderstood what I am saying.

When you calm down long enough to re-read my comments and the links I have provided you will see that I consider the entire COVID NARRATIVE fraudulent, just like you...... HOWEVER, there was SOMETHING making people very ill at the beginning of 2020 and it correlated to the roll out of 5G which I have shown to be the case repeatedly ever since.

There is no "no-virus" movement, Christine! There are a few people who loosely agree on some issues but not all.


I also KNOW that electro-magnetic radiation is causing irreparable harm to ALL LIFE not just humans so whether you and your chums in the "movement" accept me as a member of your exclusive effin club OR NOT, I am researching how to defend life against the impact of electro-magnetic radiation and your little chums club can lump it.

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I think you're the one who is triggered, because you're the one giving insults and accusations. Last week you put out a post saying that anyone who is not discussing 5G is "beneath my contempt".

There is no "club" that I know of, but there certainly is a no-virus movement.

You wrote above that "Covid19 only began because 5G was rolled out".

If you communicated more clearly you'd probably get a much better response, and not end up so upset. Saying/implying that there is anything legit about the convid statistics, or that anything causes covid-19, or that covering up harm from 5G is the ONLY motivation/cause behind for the convid fraud isn't effective or accurate.

I'm on a mission to help expose virology, that's my contribution. I already explained to you some of the reasons why I focus on 1 thing at a time. If I go off about other topics that I haven't carefully researched, I will not be able to defend my position effectively, and would lose credibility which would detract from what I am accomplishing in the virology arena. If it's not good enough for you, so be it.

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Too right I am triggered. Look at you all on this thread. None of you want to admit that I have a point. You are ganging up like children, defending your particular corner and then you get all snotty when I defend mine.

What do you expect?

You think I want to be in your no-virus club? Listed among the few?

Not a chance.

I work independently, I do not need your validation nor your advice. Thanks.

I am looking for SOLUTIONS not focusing on destroying a branch of science which is busy killing itself with its ridiculous claims.

You do you. I will do me. Do not try bullying or ganging up on me - I will simply call you all out as controlling the opposition, which you are...... had you considered THAT?

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Go ahead Fran, no one has bullied you. we simply responded to your comments.

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I will be the judge of who is bullying me. Not you. Thanks.

You are NOT responding to my comments. You are simply justifying your avoidance of researching the impact of 5G - meanwhile people continue to get very sick and die. That is your plan, is it? To avoid looking for the real root cause of illness? Looks like controlling the opposition to me.

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I don't need to justify the fact that I'm not researching 5G, Fran. (Are you sure you're not the one bullying?)

And I'm consistently clear about the fact that many things cause illness, including convid symptoms. I say this all the time in my interviews, and whenever the issue comes up on social media.

The fact that respiratory symptoms were widespread prior to convid proves that 5G is not the only factor. I'd be laughed at if I pretended otherwise, and rightly so.

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One of the most telling symptoms noticed in the early months of 2020 was highlighted by New York doctor, Cameron Kyle-Sidell - it was hypoxemia (low oxygen in the arterial blood). It was mistaken for a respiratory symptom:


Hypoxemia can be caused by Rouleaux blood which is confirmed to be caused by WiFi exposure, as proven by Dr Magda Havas 11 years ago:


I don't understand how you can successfully bring down the bogus 'science' of virology without a suitable explanation of what is actually hurting people.

There is a lot of evidence that an overload of electro-magnetic frequencies can cause some major symptoms such as heart attacks, strokes, etc.

I have collated a huge amount of supporting studies and articles here:


This archive is continually updated.

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Yes I saw Cameron's talks on the matter. I would not be at all surprised if 5G caused that. I've never denied it.

We are successfully bringing down virology by pointing out the facts: no one can explain all the "convid" cases, because there is no common denominator and they are based on fraudulent tests. And virtually everyone assumed that a "virus" was to blame, so other causes of illness were swept aside (BUT NOT BY US - we were the ones reminding people of the many factors that contribute to ill health, including EMF exposures!).

Some of those "cases" were sick, some weren't. Some people who didn't test positive were sick, some weren't. Of the people who were sick, well there are many, many things that can contribute to illness, EMF/5G being one of them.

Alec has a slide where he lists many causes, EMF exposure being one of them, see 1:31:47:


For any given sick person, there can be many factors that affected their health. Without a thorough investigation, how can strangers be expected to say what those factors were? We can only speculate, but there are many potential factors to be considered, 5G exposure being one of them for sure.

I like you Fran, I respect you, I admire you. I'm not against you. It's great that you're calling attention to 5G. All I'm saying is that the convid data is not a measure of illness or anything but fraud.

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And Dr Cowan was one the first to relate COVID symptoms to eom in general and 5G specifically. I also believe those are part of the equation. "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg is a must read in this regard. https://t.me/PhoilHATS/623

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Indeed it is! My copy is a bit battered xx

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I would suggest you read this


For some people it was real poison from air, previous jabs, EMFs (like 5G) and for others was just a PANIC attack connected with a 100% BS PCR test.

And yes, many of us know of The Invisible Rainbow but also know of the power of our mind and the Nocebo effect.

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I am attending a conference atm and have just finished listening to Beverly Rubik, who wrote with Robert R. Brown a study "Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G"


Dr Rubik's speech today may be published online soon. She explains very well that sensations of panic (among all the other symptoms mentioned in Mike Stone's article) can be attributed to overloading of EMFs in the environment.

I am very concerned at the extreme rejection of my comments demonstrated by many people who are commenting on this thread. It is very disappointing because everyone of you are blinkered, only discussing HUMAN HEALTH when the effects of EMFs are impacting every form of life.

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I agree that 5G is a big part of the master plan but this plandemic is a crucial piece and if we don't get this right the masses, those who survive, will be trapped in the fake illness/fake cure system forever.

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yes fake or not people are still scared of viruses - and billy boy is gearing up for even worse lab leaked faked ones

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The plandemic is a FAKED NARRATIVE - how many times do I have to say this???????????????????


They are covering up for the impact of 5G and if we do not stop the electro-magnetic radiation nobody will survive!

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Fran, I think you'd get a lot more support if you tweak your messaging to clarify that the convid cases are based on fraudulent useless tests and there is no convid, AND meanwhile, 5G is being rolled out and it is one of the things that can cause symptoms and is being distracted from by the fake convid story. No-virus people would like have no issues with that.

It's only when you try to equate convid with 5G that I have a problem, b/c convid stats don't signify actual illness, and the so-called "covid" deaths are known to have many contributing factors.

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How many effin times have I got to say on this arsewipe of a thread that there is no virus? There is only a fraudulent narrative to cover up for the impact of 5G!

Did you even LOOK at the link I provided? No, you were too busy knee jerking and trying to domineer me.

Get lost.

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Yes I did look at it.

"The COVID-19 pandemic and its effects in early 2020 have surprised scientists and politicians. If any study aimed at understanding the phenomenon ... The correlation between cases of coronavirus and the presence of 5G networks has been addressed in alternative media and social networks.... It is common sense that the ability to demonstrate this correlation would be very important data to contribute to the understanding of, and the solution to, the problem.

To assess whether a correlation exists between cases of coronavirus and the presence of 5G networks.....

The study has benefited from the official statistical material published daily, which is a basic and valuable tool. It should be noted that in these publications, the methodology used for counting cases of coronavirus infections does not generally provide real data. In Spain and many other countries, it has not been calculated as there are not enough tests for such analyses. ...Therefore, in order to avoid statistical error, we will compare the density value of confirmed cases of coronavirus"

Sure sounds like they are legitimizing the tests and "cases".

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The doctor had to use official data to show that the incidence of illness coincided with the 5G rollout. That is all. He does not say that there is a virus - only that he is using their figures.

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The convid data does not show the incidence of illness. The tests and statistics are meaningless and fraudulent, as I've pointed out already.

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Are you saying that people did NOT get ill at the beginning of 2020?

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No, I've never said that people didn't get sick. People get sick every year, for lots of different reasons.

What I'm saying is that the COVID-19 tests do not test for a virus OR for any disease. The PCR tests only provides indirect evidence - which is very unreliable evidence because of the way they've been conducted - of tiny genetic sequences (or at least alleged sequences) of unknown provenance. That's it. Unreliable indirect evidence of various tiny sequences. One person tests positive for e-gene sequence, another for the "spike protein sequence", another for the RdRp sequence, etc. And none of that tiny-sequence-evidence is even reliable b/c of problems with the way the tests were carried out.

Then there are the tests for nonspecific antibodies. So there is no common denominator of any sort among the "cases". Hence the data is useless, except as a measure of fraud.

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Ooh clever..... I see what you did there!

You won't admit that there was 'something' strange, over and above the usual.


1) 5G was initiated in Wuhan during Oct 2019, more than 10,000 towers and 100s of thousands of new 5G ready phones were sold there. People got very sick. CHECK.

2) 5G was rolled out in Bergamo, Italy, January 2020 (an area where many Chinese nationals work in the clothing industry) People got very sick. CHECK.

3) 5G was rolled out in London & New York from March 2020 onwards. People got very sick. CHECK.

4) People all over the world were locked down and 5G was installed at break neck pace EVERYWHERE.

But all that can be swept under this rug which claims that fraudulent tests were used? Does that mean that the people did not get sick? I don't think so. People died and they are still dying. We MUST look at the root cause and halt it.

That is what I will continue to do with or without your support.

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there better not be antennae on my local care home cos it's next door.

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Well why don't you go out and look? Seems logical to me!

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