Understand this.....we now KNOW for certain that EVERYTHING about virology is HYPOTHETICAL.....for instance, they have NEVER shown a virus "hijacking" cells in the human body.....so phrases like "viral load" are HYPOTHETICAL......viral load has NEVER been shown in vivo........you DON'T cough out virus and kill granny, that is also a hypo…
Understand this.....we now KNOW for certain that EVERYTHING about virology is HYPOTHETICAL.....for instance, they have NEVER shown a virus "hijacking" cells in the human body.....so phrases like "viral load" are HYPOTHETICAL......viral load has NEVER been shown in vivo........you DON'T cough out virus and kill granny, that is also a hypothesis never proven in the real world....this was a scare tactic utilized to great effect to get draconian COVID mandates implemented...they have NEVER shown virus in a person's saliva, for instance.....they have NEVER found a virus on a doorknob or ANY surface for that matter......they have never found a virus to be airborne...it’s ONLY a theory.....they have NEVER found a virus in the blood or tissue of a human. EVER!...THINK ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS OF THAT....there is not a piece of published literature anywhere on Earth that shows a sick person in a room made other people sick with the same illness...virology is a fraud, contagion has NEVER been proven, EVER...and COVID 19 is the single greatest crime EVER committed...call them out to their faces.....
Understand this.....we now KNOW for certain that EVERYTHING about virology is HYPOTHETICAL.....for instance, they have NEVER shown a virus "hijacking" cells in the human body.....so phrases like "viral load" are HYPOTHETICAL......viral load has NEVER been shown in vivo........you DON'T cough out virus and kill granny, that is also a hypothesis never proven in the real world....this was a scare tactic utilized to great effect to get draconian COVID mandates implemented...they have NEVER shown virus in a person's saliva, for instance.....they have NEVER found a virus on a doorknob or ANY surface for that matter......they have never found a virus to be airborne...it’s ONLY a theory.....they have NEVER found a virus in the blood or tissue of a human. EVER!...THINK ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS OF THAT....there is not a piece of published literature anywhere on Earth that shows a sick person in a room made other people sick with the same illness...virology is a fraud, contagion has NEVER been proven, EVER...and COVID 19 is the single greatest crime EVER committed...call them out to their faces.....