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I agree that 5G is a big part of the master plan but this plandemic is a crucial piece and if we don't get this right the masses, those who survive, will be trapped in the fake illness/fake cure system forever.

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yes fake or not people are still scared of viruses - and billy boy is gearing up for even worse lab leaked faked ones

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The plandemic is a FAKED NARRATIVE - how many times do I have to say this???????????????????


They are covering up for the impact of 5G and if we do not stop the electro-magnetic radiation nobody will survive!

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Fran, I think you'd get a lot more support if you tweak your messaging to clarify that the convid cases are based on fraudulent useless tests and there is no convid, AND meanwhile, 5G is being rolled out and it is one of the things that can cause symptoms and is being distracted from by the fake convid story. No-virus people would like have no issues with that.

It's only when you try to equate convid with 5G that I have a problem, b/c convid stats don't signify actual illness, and the so-called "covid" deaths are known to have many contributing factors.

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How many effin times have I got to say on this arsewipe of a thread that there is no virus? There is only a fraudulent narrative to cover up for the impact of 5G!

Did you even LOOK at the link I provided? No, you were too busy knee jerking and trying to domineer me.

Get lost.

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Yes I did look at it.

"The COVID-19 pandemic and its effects in early 2020 have surprised scientists and politicians. If any study aimed at understanding the phenomenon ... The correlation between cases of coronavirus and the presence of 5G networks has been addressed in alternative media and social networks.... It is common sense that the ability to demonstrate this correlation would be very important data to contribute to the understanding of, and the solution to, the problem.

To assess whether a correlation exists between cases of coronavirus and the presence of 5G networks.....

The study has benefited from the official statistical material published daily, which is a basic and valuable tool. It should be noted that in these publications, the methodology used for counting cases of coronavirus infections does not generally provide real data. In Spain and many other countries, it has not been calculated as there are not enough tests for such analyses. ...Therefore, in order to avoid statistical error, we will compare the density value of confirmed cases of coronavirus"

Sure sounds like they are legitimizing the tests and "cases".

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The doctor had to use official data to show that the incidence of illness coincided with the 5G rollout. That is all. He does not say that there is a virus - only that he is using their figures.

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The convid data does not show the incidence of illness. The tests and statistics are meaningless and fraudulent, as I've pointed out already.

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Are you saying that people did NOT get ill at the beginning of 2020?

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No, I've never said that people didn't get sick. People get sick every year, for lots of different reasons.

What I'm saying is that the COVID-19 tests do not test for a virus OR for any disease. The PCR tests only provides indirect evidence - which is very unreliable evidence because of the way they've been conducted - of tiny genetic sequences (or at least alleged sequences) of unknown provenance. That's it. Unreliable indirect evidence of various tiny sequences. One person tests positive for e-gene sequence, another for the "spike protein sequence", another for the RdRp sequence, etc. And none of that tiny-sequence-evidence is even reliable b/c of problems with the way the tests were carried out.

Then there are the tests for nonspecific antibodies. So there is no common denominator of any sort among the "cases". Hence the data is useless, except as a measure of fraud.

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Ooh clever..... I see what you did there!

You won't admit that there was 'something' strange, over and above the usual.


1) 5G was initiated in Wuhan during Oct 2019, more than 10,000 towers and 100s of thousands of new 5G ready phones were sold there. People got very sick. CHECK.

2) 5G was rolled out in Bergamo, Italy, January 2020 (an area where many Chinese nationals work in the clothing industry) People got very sick. CHECK.

3) 5G was rolled out in London & New York from March 2020 onwards. People got very sick. CHECK.

4) People all over the world were locked down and 5G was installed at break neck pace EVERYWHERE.

But all that can be swept under this rug which claims that fraudulent tests were used? Does that mean that the people did not get sick? I don't think so. People died and they are still dying. We MUST look at the root cause and halt it.

That is what I will continue to do with or without your support.

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Fran, I haven't denied anyone got very sick in Wuhan. What I'm saying, for the last time, is that the convid data does not tell you anything about sickness because the tests and "cases" are not based on being sick.

There is 5G, and they also had quackcines mandated in China in late 2019, and they already had horrific air pollution in Wuhan so who-knows what new sources of air pollution might have come along, there could be any number of reasons for whatever illnesses did occur. According to Jon Rappoport it's the world HQ for fentanyl trafficking.

Same with other places that had excess death and 5G, 5G likely played a role and there could be other factors too. In Italy, that industry has a particular type of air pollution, I'm forgetting what the toxin is right now, but it's known for a specific toxin in the air due to the industrial pollution. Who knows what else might have been going on.

I have never pretended that 5G is safe or that it had nothing to do with the excess deaths where excess deaths actually occurred (and they did not occur everywhere, including in Canada).

I have no idea where you are getting the idea that I'm denying that there are issues with 5G. I've specifically mentioned 5G in some of my interviews. I'm not the enemy. But the fact IS that fraudulent meaningless tests were used.

If you can show that all the various the tests were actually validated for detecting harm from 5G, great. No such validation has ever taken place, to my knowledge, and they were certainly not validated for detecting an imaginary virus or a disease. This is why we say that the tests lack a gold standard and are meaningless and useless, and the convid stats are usesless.

You'd be on stronger ground, in terms of accuracy, if you simply point out hey look, the places that were highlighted as having a "viral outbreak" actually had 5G installed, and here is research showing the harms of 5G.....

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Hey Fran, you are almost certainly aware of this, so I'm mostly stating it for others.

One thing I like to point out to people is the parallel timing of the Starlink 5G satellite launches which began on Nov 11 2019 with 60 operational satellites and continued with (usually) 60 per month to this day, now in the thousands. Wikipedia has a list of the launches, see for yourself:


The global nature/movement of these satellies means that they have potential to impact people worldwide including in rural areas or towns/cities where 5G is not available. Also the fact that they are very low in the ionosphere means that they have potential to affect the natural ground-to-ionosphere resonant circuit that we are all part of. Moreso than any previously launched satellites.

I think most in the "no virus" movement are not aware of this "big coincidence" and some would find it intriguing.

This occurred after "The Invisible Rainbow" was published, so unfortunately even those who have read the book may miss the starlink connection. And now many other companies are getting into the LEO 5G game including amazon.

My personal take is that when new electrical phenemona such as this are introduced, it does indeed affect/sicken many in the population as we each must adjust/adapt to our new environment. So the illness is a type of metamorphosis. The weak/frail are unable to do so and die. The rest of us are able to carry on after the initial illness, but may experience further episodes as environment continues to change.

So let us posit for a moment that above hypothesis is correct and that high-ups in telecommunications industry are aware of it, that some people will be adversely affected by rollout. Further people have been yelling that 5G will cause harm/illness. So then rather than pretend there is no sickness, they team up with big pharma and pals to invent "covid" and go overboard with a "huge epidemic" that is hyped to be much much larger than the actual illness, so that the real cause is overlooked and forgotten about.

To my mind this is a plausible scenario and is just like swine-flu, aids, polio, etc. All of which were covering up industry caused pollution/toxemia and passing it off as some kind of pathogenic "pandemic".

As someone in the no_virus camp and also keenly aware of "the body electric", radio wave sickness, etc, I think it is correct for "no virus" position to be that viruses do not exist, first and foremost, and (optionally) that emf/5g is one of various possible hypothesis for what *some* people experienced in 2020/21. It is fine/great for others such as yourself, A Firstenberg, etc to push forward the 5G explanation. I think the two positions are totally compatible, but not necessarily joined at the hip.

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