Frances, you seem to be conflating two separate things together, like many people do.
1) The Official Story of CONVID: True of False?
2) Are people from around the world all showing signs of suffering from a New Disease? And if so, what's causing it?
These two questions **must be dealt with separately**. Because as soon as we start saying…
Frances, you seem to be conflating two separate things together, like many people do.
1) The Official Story of CONVID: True of False?
2) Are people from around the world all showing signs of suffering from a New Disease? And if so, what's causing it?
These two questions **must be dealt with separately**. Because as soon as we start saying "5G is what caused COVID", then we are implicitly accepting the official CONVID narrative as true, which it clearly is not.
What my colleagues and I have been doing is calling out the CORE FRAUD of CONVID. This can be demonstrated a dozen different ways, beginning with the FAKE VIRUS, FAKE SYNDROME, FAKE TEST, FAKE ETIOLOGY, FAKE PROOF (that the Phantom Virus causes the non-distinguishing Syndrome), FAKE DISEASE, which all equals => FAKE PANDEMIC.
Only when we are all clear on #1 can we embark on #2.
If we ask the question, "Why were people in Wuhan getting pneumonia?", there are many reasons for this. 10,000 new 5G stations certainly deserves investigation, as Arthur Firstenberg's research has shown. But Wuhan is also known for its notoriously bad air pollution, including emissions from several large waste incinerators within the city limits.
Frances, you seem to be conflating two separate things together, like many people do.
1) The Official Story of CONVID: True of False?
2) Are people from around the world all showing signs of suffering from a New Disease? And if so, what's causing it?
These two questions **must be dealt with separately**. Because as soon as we start saying "5G is what caused COVID", then we are implicitly accepting the official CONVID narrative as true, which it clearly is not.
As Amandha Vollmer says, THERE IS NO "IT!"
What my colleagues and I have been doing is calling out the CORE FRAUD of CONVID. This can be demonstrated a dozen different ways, beginning with the FAKE VIRUS, FAKE SYNDROME, FAKE TEST, FAKE ETIOLOGY, FAKE PROOF (that the Phantom Virus causes the non-distinguishing Syndrome), FAKE DISEASE, which all equals => FAKE PANDEMIC.
Only when we are all clear on #1 can we embark on #2.
If we ask the question, "Why were people in Wuhan getting pneumonia?", there are many reasons for this. 10,000 new 5G stations certainly deserves investigation, as Arthur Firstenberg's research has shown. But Wuhan is also known for its notoriously bad air pollution, including emissions from several large waste incinerators within the city limits.
A huge threat to our health and all life involves spraying our skies daily!! It can be a combination of this and 5G! That's what I honestly believe.
You said I 'appear' to be conflating...... You are very wrong. The narrative of Covid19 was only a COVER for the impact of 5G.
Please see my latest research here:
As you can see - I am not waiting for any of you to catch my drift. I am looking for solutions!