I have just begun to hear the responses from Alec's audience for this talk and it makes you want to smash your head into a wall. (I'm at minute 1:33)

These first two guys/doctors are soooo pissed because their beliefs are being questioned and the foundation that their realties rest on are tipping a bit. So far, no one has called them out on their use of the term "virus" when they mean contagion, or their subconscious acknowledgement of contagious particles whenever they are talking about simultaneous illness also known as synchronized detox.

It's REALLY HARD to argue with someones subconscious!

The term "virus" is their place holder for "illness." They are frustrated because they are saying, "how can you say there is no virus?" but what they mean is "How can you say there is no virus, illness, or contagion?" The terms virus, illness and contagion are so intertwined in their subconscious that they cannot separate them.

These guys have not fleshed out what they mean by "virus" or what they believe about illness. "I know I had a virus because I was sick. And if I was sick I had to have caught a tiny invisible particle from someone."

It's amazing how limited our minds are. We just don't have the brain power to examine our own beliefs.

AND THEN offended-doctor-number-two tried to defeat the argument that no viral particle has ever been found in nature by throwing out the example of electrons. (Uh oh) That may be the same as arguing for Santa Clause by saying that he is every bit as valid as the Tooth Fairy. And THEN he brings in dinosaurs. Oh shit! You cannot drag these people out of the land of make believe. It's not going to happen.

More head banging for those of us who are witnessing all of this.

Allopathy is their worldview and their religion. If you take it from them, their lives have no meaning and no foundation. It's interesting to watch them desperately struggle to hold on to their beliefs. We all had to do that to get here. It's a bitch. But it's kinda fun to watch these cocky "experts" lose their faith, their footing and their realities.

Isn't that what we had to do to get where we are ? We had to be stripped of the Idols that we worshipped. And we are still being stripped of more idols every day. It's very disorienting and scary as hell.

But I've got to say, it's pretty fun to watch.

Tomorrow I hope to see the rest of it.

So far, it's EXCELLENT.

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"Allopathy is their worldview and their religion..." Exactly! And yes, we all had to do that to get here. We all grew up under that horrible medical model. I said good riddance to it years ago. I don't have a doctor or go for tests. Imagine that. I'm 68 years old. I'd rather die in the woods than go to a hospital. I'm not kidding. And yes, we've been so indoctrinated with virus talk that most people can't even conceive of it being inaccurate. Well said, Vivian!

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The average age of a death by or with "Covid-19" is higher than life expectancy. No other figure even need be known to understand the "pandemic" (business model) is a fraud and a giant Ponzi scheme.

There was no viral pandemic or epidemiological emergency in 2020- there was mass murder. They will use a similar template and roll this out again unless there are prosecutions for the crimes committed.

The mandated the use of ventilators/remdesivir/barticinib/midazolam/vancomyacin etc. combined with complete neglect when not being harassed/abused killed off hundreds of thousands of "Covid" (rebranded flu and bacterial pneumonia) patients. A total assault to the lungs, kidneys and psyche.

All of this was (and much more) was done to create the mass hysteria event in order to hide the massive economic collapse of 2019 and hide the $13 trillion (so far) worth of bailouts AND to jump start the Pharma bio-security system as THE new economic driver in a bankrupt system. Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering/racketeering scheme in the history of this country.

99% of people falsely certified as having 'died from covid' actually died from their preexisting conditions being exacerbated by mass medical malpractice and 'public health' despotism, the other 1% simply died of old age.

The fact that there is no such thing as a "Covid death" is another minor problem here as SARSCoV2 itself is a computer generated fiction. Translation: No one has 'died from covid' as "covid" is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, flu and many other disease conditions.

In the US the "Covid death" number is cooked/manipulated due to how the CDC does their accounting as well as many other factors- an audit of the CDC mortality numbers would illustrate that there is not one single "Covid" death.

1) The first thing to be addressed (but usually ignored) is "who were these people?" The average age of a "Covid death" in Spring 2020 was 80 in the US and 82 globally w/4 comorbidities. The majority of these people were from nursing homes, assisted living, hospice etc. Where did the vast majority of initial "Covid deaths" occur? Here in the US (and everywhere in the West- Milan, Madrid, London, Brussels, Montreal, Toronto, etc.) most, if not all, who died from "Covid" already had one foot in the grave and were residing in institutional settings. Their death was put on fast forward through policies not some mythical virus.

What we had here in the US was a radical and mandatory shift in policies relating to hospitals, care homes and the overall social order. These new "policies" were mandated through various new and aberrant state "guidelines" which resulted in a concentrated death rate for a six week period in March/April in ONLY 15 states. Take that out of the equation and there is no death rate to talk about. Put (or keep) these policies in place and we will have this happen every year.

There is no doubt that these protocols were designed to increase the death rate and to drive the fear as well as transfer public monies into the private medical cartel. In the UK there was heavy use of Midazolam with morphine to ensure the numbers justified the panic. The elderly were targeted because the pensions had been pilfered long before and personal estates were being acquired to finance the care of these people. It is clear that normal "therapeutics" and care was not only vilified but outlawed through administrative diktats in order to force emergency use protocols which was the plan from the get go.

There was also gross negligence (beyond the usual) in numerous nursing homes that led to abandonment and alterations/additions to the toxic medication regmies that people were on. This turned these slow motion abattoirs into death houses. One of the remarkable things of note is that here in the US the "pandemic" was not widespread (which is supposed to be one of the defining features of a pandemic) but was in fact limited to very specific locations;

2) The faulty diagnosis of what is a "Covid death" did they die "with" or "from" Covid which is problematic for several reasons. In many cases an actual test was never done only a "presumed to be Covid" assessment was put forth. Add to this that when the tests were done PCR tests done with faulty specs (gene sequencing, cycle thresholds, annealing problems, faulty primers and so forth) were used. PCR can't diagnose anything in the first place and compounded with these problems they are useless and misleading;

3) "Covid death counts were forged- CDC instructed officials to certify any death as "caused by" COVID if the decedent tested positive prior to passing or was suspected of having "C19", even if it wasn't the actual cause of death.

We also saw unexplained declines in other common death categories because so many have been attributed to "C19." The unprecedented broad definition of "C19" death has created huge fraud in "Covid death" counts;

4) Another way they inflated death counts was through hospital admissions and faulty PCR testing. This caused a huge spike in iatrogenic deaths caused by misattribution of "Covid" to incoming patients and the ensuing improper treatments applied e.g. ventilators and associated remdesivir dosages which killed thousands.

So for example if one came in with a coronary condition you would be given a "Covid test" no matter what- all admissions required this- and then if you died while in the hospital you would have been listed as a "Covid death."

The practice of PCR-testing hospital admissions who are asymptomatic for Covid using high Ct values undoubtedly caused deaths and unnecessary suffering.

This matters for several reasons. A pneumonia patient e.g. has a very good chance of surviving with correct support. However, if the patient tests ‘+’ for the non-existent pathogen an entirely different medical protocol goes into action and with this and there is little chance of survival.

The 'diagnosis' of "Covid" effectively permits dangerous protocols to be enacted that then increase the chance of mortality.

With regard to adoption of a new RT-PCR protocol for hospital admissions this also falsely manufactured death statistics for "Covid." Add to this how it was incentivized-$$$$$ while hospitals are under extreme financial duress. The US hospital system had it's worst financial quarter on record in the middle of a "pandemic." Administrators were under pressure to alleviate that financial pain and exploit all openings in the CARES Act.

None of this was accidental.

In short whatever "excess deaths" which may have occurred anywhere can be attributed to people who didn't have to die but were KILLED due to the unnecessary use of ventilators, harsh toxic drugs, people dying prematurely do to lack of medical treatment, ill effects from the lockdowns and so on.

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Right ON. Great summation. Excellent.

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Thanks... He smed like a poopie boy. lol

I just need so NONE of that.

Good job, and thanks-- You are so eloquent in your comments, I love that. I just BARK. ;)

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Bad news in other words.

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I muted that thread and chucked that guy's comments without opening them.

Feel free to undo whatever... Cheers.

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Hi Alec, what I find most satisfying is that the top comment on McCollough's nonsense about seeing viruses is a superb take down by David Lamb https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/electron-cryotomography-of-sars-cov/comments#comment-10532222 and also his reply to Collleen defeat Covid, Huber ,does anyone know if he's written before? Christine and I have decided that when he says exosomes, he means anything that came from the cell!


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Same, Jo!

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Mr. "Courageous discourse," has not responded to that comment. I'm so sick of these shills.

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Who's Mr. Courageous discourse"??

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Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake

I was responding to georgie&donny's comment above. on this reply


to McCollough's nonsense

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Yes, just remembering that I'd read that whole comment thread. :)

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This presentation made me soooooo happy! I have been spamming all of my holistic friends with it. I'm telling you that your amazing delivery of a very complicated topic was affirmation of a God that connects us, (and I don't usually talk like that). I have been thinking a lot lately about the faux science of virology and how to logically present the truth about viral theory. My thoughts were to compare the belief in viruses and contagions to the belief in Santa Clause. "I know that there was a virus because we all got sick." "I know there is a Santa Clause because he came down our chimney and left gifts under our tree." I have begun to wonder if Santa is perpetuated by the State because it teaches children to abandon logic and reason and not to question tradition from a very early age.

Every time that I hear the arguments for virology and contagion theory I think, "I need to pull these arguments apart and expose their circular reasoning and their logical fallacies!" But that would be a daunting task for me. I am not an expert in logical fallacies. In this presentation YOU DID IT FOR ME!

I was a 7th grade life science teacher at one time. Or should I say that I was an indoctrinator of seventh graders at one time. I have been thinking about writing a small book called, "An Apology from your seventh-grade life science teacher." In an effort to save my own soul, I want to go back to my students, who are all adults in their twenties now, and clear up the lies and logical fallacies that I delivered to them as the gospel.

I was at the Weston A Price Conference in Nashville this fall and I heard Tom Cowan debunking the idea that we are made entirely of cells. He argued instead that we are made of structured water. I made my students memorize the structure and organelles of a cell (some of which do not actually exist) and I explained that ALL LIVING things can be divided up into organs and those organs are made of cells which are built out of organelles. That's what all the textbooks said anyway. I also taught germ theory and the virus lie.

These are just some of the lies that I made my students memorize and zealously taught them to believe.

You made the arguments against the virus hypothesis brilliantly! Now, I just need to memorize the fallacies and the actual process that is used to, "isolate" a virus.

Thank you.

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And... don't feel toooo guilty about teaching something WE WERE ALL TAUGHT and didn't know any better! Look at how we are taking a HUGE step in new ideas right now!

It IS a joyful thing. ^_^

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Yes, It is a joyful thing to find truth.

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Your comments here are awesome!

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check out this site for logical fallacies and examples... Not that difficult! cheers.


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Thank you!

I recently printed out some of these posters on a mission to better aquaint myself with logical fallaices. thethinkingshop.org

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I LOVE those cards and posters!! TEACH those kids!! We can bring back THINKING...

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Logic. It's not just for breakfast anymore. Heh. ^_^

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YES!!!!!! This is excellent. I've been waiting for something like this, so THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

I will share this on my page, too.

**Doing the "Ain't No Stinkin' Virus" Dance right now!

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Gerry Waters: "I am absolutely certain that I can shred it [the first 30 pages of _Virus Mania_]. Unfortunately, I just don't have the time to do that."

Fermat: "I found a nice proof of my conjecture, but the margin is too small for it."

Neither claim is very convincing!

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If you listen carefully to the critiques of Alec- there really weren't too many critiques that were specific to the presentation itself- they virtually all hold within them logical fallacies.

Take John Beaudoin's critique for but one example (and I like John), his critique quickly devolved into "credentialism" aka 'appeal to expertise' and even then his attempt to make a cogent point fell apart.

The one gentleman who was in his 80's made the comment that he had only been sick twice in his adult life. He then said one of those times was during "Covid" and it was "unlike anything he had ever experienced." Well since he had pretty much never experienced sickness before of course this would be unlike anything he had experienced.

We could go over just about every point here and see the illogical constructs being attempted. I just don't think people can step back and really hear what they are saying- they are too emotionally attached to that belief.

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I haven't made it yet to Jean Beaudoin's comment. I keep getting stuck at Gerry Waters' ranting and irrelevancies, whereupon I just shut it off. I should probably just skip over it.

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Yeah, that urge comes over me... a LOT. ;)

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I find it very interesting that there was NO MENTION of 5G, since the symptoms of that sort of poisoning are very like the "flu."

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Waters' argument (also from the Q&A), that using old studies on contagion (1911, 1918, etc.) is ipso facto invalid, is the actual rubbish. One has to use old studies because the virology party line had not been so deeply installed 100 years ago, and curiosity and dissent were still possible and publishable. The Rockfeller-medicine takeover needed a few more decades.

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Alec, I hope to see you on Jerm Warfare some day. https://jermwarfare.com/conversations/steve-falconer

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Alec, we referenced your talk in our latest post. We have lots of questions still but give you kudos for challenging the dominant paradigm with reason and inquiry. Would love to hear your thoughts: https://honestattemptct.substack.com/p/the-no-virus-camp-must-explain-contagion

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This addresses one of the questions re: the bio-lab leak.


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Zika, Mers and others disappeared but HIV is still around till 2030 according to Bill Gates, trials for vaccine are underway now

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what a ridiculous waste of people's time. Grow up man.

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Reading your comment was a ridiculous waste of my time, for sure!

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Surely your argument exclude the real virus "HIV"

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Why would it exclude HIV?

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That one is real and it has killed millions of people, with millions more infected, I mean it's been around for 40 years now, all others come and disappear into thin air Zika, Sars and all

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HIV is a hoax. AIDS was to do with a very unhealthy lifestyle, and "poppers." That's the briefest explanation. There are places on the Internet that you can watch videos about how that all went down. Zika, SARS, Ebola, etc etc etc... All meant to SELL VACCINES.

HIV/AIDS : Utter BS and an attack on gay men and Africa, generally. Bill Gates has been "testing" his vaccines on Africans and Indians... he apparently doesn't need folks with darker skin around... he's descended from a line of eugenicists. Don't follow ANYTHING Bill F-ing Gates says, if you ask me. I've done my homework.

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HIV virus, just like any virus, does not exist. No viruses appear then disappear.

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Right. I am of the camp that understands that viruses are imaginary money magnets. It astonishing how something so amazingly unproven and illogical and absurd, really, can be so cemented into people's minds.

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