Thank you Alec for summarising the whole virology fraud in a short article.

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Brilliant article

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I would love to understand how the wastewater is being measured. It’s very reactive, but gives a significant „reading“ without a single person testing. If they can detect via wastewater, explain how and break down the variants and tell each person which variant they have when they submit a PCR test

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Alex is a clown. While an appeal to authority is not scientific evidence, saying that you are an authority is equally as wrong. there are millions of articles in the public domain and more so that are not public available. the arguments you use are strawmen arguments. And Stephan Lanka is not a Virologist.

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The simple harvesting of biological material from the living organism leads, instantly, to degenerative changes.

How do we know if the harmful effect of a substance or a radiative wave on a piece of tissue that has been disconnected from the living organism by harvesting and that has automatically entered the natural decomposition process is identical to the harmful effect of a substances or radiation on analogous tissue that has not been disconnected from the living organism?

„Our supposed knowledge, today, of what life is on a microscopic scale, is based only on observations made on dead tissue, which are subject to an astonishingly harmful preparation protocol."

- Dr. Alain Scohy

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I can't understand why those who deny the existence of so-called viruses on the grounds that no one has isolated, purified or visualized them ... do not deny, for exactly the same reasons, the existence of atoms, molecules, nucleotides, proteins, and all other supposed sub-microscopic particles that no one has ever isolated, purified, or visualized.

Just as important as exposing the lie about so-called viruses is also exposing the lie about so-called genetic material that is claimed to consist of hypothetical, non-existent and unproven nucleotides and proteins. And that's because so-called viruses are said to be made up of genetic material wrapped in protein.

What is the DIRECT, UNINTERPRETABLE and REPRODUCTIVE evidence of the existence of sub-microscopic particles?

Who ever isolated, purified, and visualized a nucleotide, a protein, or any other so-called molecule?

Even Karry Mullis acknowledged that molecules are just hypothetical concepts that have never been proven to exist.

If there are molecules (sub-microscopic particles), then they must be isolated, purified and visualized in 3D. Any INDIRECT way to prove the existence of a molecule (sub-microscopic particles) is of no scientific value because it cannot be proved to be true, real, by correct control experiments and because the results obtained by indirect methods are interpreted subjectively.

As long as the atom is just a hypothesis, an unproven assumption ... and molecules are still just assumptions, unproven assumptions.

What we humans call matter ... is, in fact, a specific form of energy organization that makes it perceptible to our sense organs. If beyond our visual capacity, which is enhanced by the use of optical microscopes, energy is organized in the form of particles ... this thing we, as humans, will never be able to find out by direct and uninterpretable methods.

I am waiting for an honest investigation into the lack of direct and uninterpretable evidence of the existence of so-called genetic material. I am waiting for a critical analysis of the alleged indirect and interpretable evidence on the basis of which so-called scientists state that submicroscopic particles exist, that they are specifically structured, and that they have characteristics that they have been able to identify.

There are no atoms and molecules. Atoms and molecules are just baseless speculation. No one has ever provided any direct, uninterpretable and reproducible evidence of the existence of atoms and molecules. No one knows how "energy" is structured beyond the visible realm. The so-called electron microscope is a device based on which only deductions are made. It is beyond human ability to properly understand what is highlighted through the so-called electron microscope. There are no cells but only "tissues". As biologist Alain Scohy acknowledges ... "Our supposed knowledge today about life on a microscopic scale ... is based only on observations made on dead tissue, which are subject to an astonishingly harmful preparation protocol." What are supposed to be cells seen under an optical microscope ... are just artifacts that result from the fact that the tissues under observation have been disconnected from the vital energy of the body, have been taken out of their environment, have been subjected to a different environment, they were subjected to astonishing injuries by the preparation procedures and were subjected to microscopy itself. No human technology can allow direct and unaltered observation of tissues and their functions in the living organism.

On the other hand, tissues considered to be cancerous are nothing more than adaptive tissue changes in order to survive. Our fight must not be directed against the symptoms manifested through functional changes, sensory changes and changes in tissue structure that take place in the state of self-healing called "disease". We just need to identify the harmful factors in order to limit or reduce them, to adopt the behavior dictated by the symptoms and to provide the body with extra useful vibrations through natural and holistic therapies.

The harmful factors that disrupt our vital energy flows leading to adaptive changes of a functional, sensory and tissue structure are:

- negative feelings of the soul

- toxins of chemical synthesis

- metals, minerals and concentrated biological substances

- artificial radiation

- quantitative and qualitative malnutrition

- overload due to exertion and weathering

- iatrogenic

The existence of antibodies has been "proven" as directly, uninterpretable and reproducible as the existence of viruses. I mean ... not at all! No one has isolated, purified, and visualized in 2D and 3D at least one pair of identical particles that can be declared as antibodies, and no one has provided control studies to prove that what is seen under a microscope is identical to what what exists in the living body. Antibodies are part of the submicroscopic particles, which means that they are part of the false science called molecular biology (the invisible clothes of the emperor).

Geneticists and virologists claim that the viral particle is a fragment of DNA that is encapsulated in proteins. Some people in the field of "molecular biology" who no longer believe in the existence of viruses because they have realized that no one has isolated, purified and visualized any virus ... inexplicably continue to believe in the existence of DNA and proteins, although no one has never isolated, purified, or visualized any nucleotide or protein. Well, if you don't believe in viruses, because they haven't been isolated, purified, visualized and proven to exist identically in vitro and in vivo ... why do you believe in the existence of nucleotides and proteins?

The so-called SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has been publicly analyzed and concluded that it does NOT exist. So when will the same be said for all the other so-called viruses? But especially when will the same be done with ALL the so-called submicroscopic particles?

In reality, "scientists" believe in the existence of DNA ... just because "scientists" claim that DNA exists. This is called "circular reasoning". And people who have no "scientific training" are convinced that DNA exists ... just because "scientists" claim that DNA exists. These are all so-called proofs of the existence of DNA. In fact ... no one has ever provided DIRECT, UNINTERPRETABLE and REPRODUCTIVE evidence of the existence of DNA.

No one has ever provided direct, uninterpretable, and reproducible evidence for the existence of sub-microscopic particles.

There is no science in maintaining health and healing. It's all about innate wisdom and a sense of reality. All you have to do is look at what is going on in your life and then think as naturally as a child who has not yet been "brainwashed" by the education system, the media, and ”science”.

Can you believe that 99, (9)% of those who claim to believe fully in a loving God Creator ... strongly believe in those “scientists” who claim that God created microorganisms that make us sick and kill us and that the remedies made by nature created by God are ineffective compared to the medicinal and vaccine products produced by Pharmaceutical Concerns?

"Our supposed knowledge, today, of what life is on a microscopic scale, is based only on observations made on dead tissue, which are subject to an astonishingly harmful preparation protocol."

- Dr. Alain Scohy

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Actually agree with you on this-- been questioning all of genetic theory, DNA/RNA, etc.

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The post says that Stefan Lanka added yeast RNA to the cell culture. What is the scientific study that proves the existence of yeast RNA? Who ever isolated, purified, and visualized any yeast RNA molecule? Extending the question: who ever isolated, purified, and visualized any RNA or DNA molecule? Who has ever isolated, purified and visualized any protein, amino acid, nucleootide, nitrogenous base, deoxyribose or phosphate group?

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The root cause of this disease summarized concisely. Great article!

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Thank you for sharing! How is this not a bigger deal? Like, huge!

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I had someone with knowledge explain to me why it wasn't necessary to have it isolated, and I kind of got it, but I still think it's absolutely bs. I think that the base fallacy is actually quite different, namely that transmission is not a question of a physical thing transferring from one body to another. It's all about vibrations/frequencies. Go look at Veda Austin and how information is transferred from an image to a petri dish of water. We're 70% water. If we are around people that are a certain way, we will become like them, unless you're a nutjob like me that always does the opposite of everyone else.

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Question: that said we don't have proof of virus existence, what causes illness in people that is said to have covid-19?

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Now you have a question - not a lack of what you took as certainty.

You could list the symptoms that you assign or associate with this novel condition.

Then you might start to refine your question.

Without the false 'testing', covid would be as real a diagnosis as idiopathic.

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