Some great additional commentary from my friend Amandha Vollmer: “...and if women were taught properly about their bodies, they would understand their fertility cycles and know the 5-6 days a month they are able to get pregnant and abstain or use active prevention methods. I trained in the Justisse Method of Fertility Control which teaches you how to know when you are fertile and when you aren't. Abortion is a by-product of ignorance, ignorance with a severe price to pay.

And if hospitals or doctors are dealing with a sexual assault victim, they could instruct them how to use black cohosh root and high doses of vitamin C to flush out the uterus to ensure no implantation of the blastocyst to the uterine wall instead of waiting and then going through this terrible, nightmarish procedure of killing a baby at more mature stages where there is pain (due to nervous system development).

But then, of course, their selling of baby parts income would go way down and why would they want that? Their targeting of certain demographics is also lost for their population control agendas, so no motivation there, either. I pray for awakening...”

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I thank Amandha Volmer for her insight. I, myself, learned and practised a method of fertility control after marrying, and it was a wonderful way to know and connect with my body and cycle. It is a great way to tune in. As for using black cohosh root and high doses of vitamin C, this should be widely shared. D. Alec Zeck, your thoughts are appreciated even though I support the freedom to choose in early stages of pregnancy. Thank you for asserting that as sovereign beings, we should have the right to determine what is best for our bodies. It is long past time to end the fear, coercion, false narratives, discrimination, shaming and division, which have been deliberately and methodically manufactured in order to conquer and divide. World governments have been diligently working in lockstep to oppress their citizens, de-populate, maim, gain control and destroy our rights and freedoms.

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Well said, the only bullet point I would add (for myself if I had wrote it) is there are plenty of women who got and get abortions who don’t regret it at all; and we’re not murderers, not taken advantage of by satanists, and we’re actually kind, loving, awake souls.

Who has any idea really, when the soul infuses the body and furthermore, the “soul” is immutable and not of “this” world so even the abortion conflict on a META level is divide and conquer.

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Love this!

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I was so dismayed yesterday at the vitriol being hurled at ordinary women on Telegram, (from supposedly Christian people), who I had been following because of their previous (very astute) observations about the lies we are living through. They had been telling us all to read between the lines, "practice discernment" etc, and everything else I agree with, so thankful that people are waking up. But omg, these very SAME people went on a rampage yesterday, screaming self-righteous, judgmental insults at any ordinary women out there who might support the right to choose what happens to their bodies, full of moral name calling (sluts!), calling them Satanists, portraying them as baby-killers sacrificing to Moloch, and on and on. I wanted to throw up. It was disgusting, and truly disturbing, to realize just how easily triggered people really are. Even people who every day profess to follow Christ, profess love and light to their friends, turn into the devil themselves at the drop of a news story. So disheartening. I am very glad to find a more thoughtful, loving response here.

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May 4, 2022Edited
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Exactly, thank you Heidi. I would go even further and bet money that, just as there is energy technology that is being kept from us, there exists medical knowledge using energy, frequency and vibration as well being hidden. [They] want us screaming at each other, they want us divided, they want us sick, they want us in despair. They appear to even feed off of it. Everything is being lied about, even our history itself, (perhaps even hidden knowledge about what humans *are*)... to me it's a very easy step to the natural understanding of this "debate" as a psyop - with apparently endless, injected, emotionally-driven dialectics very skillfully used against us. I just wish there were more people who see this. Perhaps I am hanging out with the wrong people. :)

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I'd hang out with you too and I totally agree there absolutely does exist medical knowledge using energy, frequency and vibration as well being hidden. I'm a homeopath, regulations do not allow us to make any claim to heal or treat any medical condition.

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re: regulations do not allow us to make any claim to heal or treat any medical condition.

that statement is true BUT... 'only' in the "public" domain. the possibility does exist to operate in the "private" domain just like any government does. you can operate a health (or other type of business) association outside the jurisdiction and authority of federal and state government and agencies involving association activities. look into Private Membership Association (PMA) or a 508 (c) (1) (a) Faith Based Organization (FBO). we allow ourselves to make claims when we change our relationship w/the regulators imposing those regulations.

and lastly, making claims in the "public" domain based on the "dis-ease" model is giving credence to it. we can make claims in the "public" model using the "health" model. you can create "health" and/or support "vitality" from right where you are, regardless of a pre-existing medical condition.

i.e. xyz is intended to create "health" & support "vitality"

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Thank you Helen! 😊 I used to think that it was all because "follow the money" etc and they just didn't want people knowing how to heal themselves (I have been studying nutrition and herbalism for several years now myself) - and while that is certainly true, I have come to believe there is something bigger at work too. Call it spiritual, call it energetic, whatever we want but our own consciousness is critical to this awakening.

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May 4, 2022
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Hahaha! And awww, thank you. ❤️

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Me too 😊

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While my human emotions agree with everything you have mentioned, my soul asks "consider the possibility that the incarnating soul has chosen this experience as part of it's growth"

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This is so good, Alec. Especially your use of “AND”, it’s subtle but I appreciate how that points to it being complex and that multiple truths can exist at the same time -- that’s really damn important. People like to water down complex issues with simple phrases that wipe out all the nuance and it’s really frustrating.

I also second the addition you added about women’s education on their own bodies being a root cause. It’s absolutely WILD to me that most women don’t understand their fertility window... The entire women’s health industry seems like it’s built on holding knowledge from women so that they outsource the understanding to pharma or their doctor (ie, take the pill, get pregnant via lack of understanding their body and then feel pressed to abort).

Thanks for sharing Alec!!!

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I was just talking about this with my dad. The Ukraine/Russia BS, Hunter Biden's laptop, the Will Smith slap, the Johnny Depp trial, the Roe v. Wade nonsense, etc. etc., are all fabricated distractions. That so many people don't see this is of itself unbelievable. How is it that people are so absurd?

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While the morality of abortion is always a hot topic idealists love to debate, the reality of abortion hasn't been broached here. The reality is that 25% of child bearing women will have had an abortion by the end of their child bearing years. Most of these abortions are within the first 6 weeks. In fact 92% (statistically) will have their abortion within the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.

That is one in 4 women who will have an abortion most of them mothers actually. Did you know this? Who had done the homework on knowing this? Those women will be of educations all across the board, but there will be a reason that often has to do with low income, no partner, or being a teen, but again not necessarily. The reality is that these are women that you know, women that are your friends and that you will not be hearing from in the room when this comes up because they have been effectively silenced. They know better than to speak up.

Although Zeck goes into his opinion and his high morality of course, the practical aspect of the number of people obtaining an abortion if you were in fact a law maker brings up the important health topic here. That is, are these women entitled to a safe and medically supported abortion? Reach into your heart and ask if your friend or someone else you know in your community was or should be supported in that way.

When it comes down to it, this is a medical issue that's at stake. The morality has more than been discussed. It was actually decided on long ago. Does a women have the right to a safe and medically supported abortion? Although there are these assertions about Planned Parenthood being such a bad organization, many have gotten safe medical care there or obtain gynecology services much of which have nothing to do with abortion but rather maintaining overall health. These women were grateful likely because their incomes were not high.

Again the assertion is that women have somehow been coerced into abortion, that abortion is rare, or that abortions have only been going on for maybe a couple hundred years. Again, these assertions feel instinctively false to me and you can look at the research and the practical nature of the matter. The facts are, women will have abortions. Long ago the medicine man would tell that woman, go and chew on this root. But we have evolved now with medical care. There is safe medical care available. Women deserve to be able to decide about their pregnancies and receive safe medical care.

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Thank you for these details. I’ve read similar awhile back but it’s easy to forget.

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Agree 100% with you! I also believe that life is sacred. Our current society holds nothing sacred and that is a big problem.

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It holds the wealth of the 1% sacred. (THEY seem to think that's good enough.)

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I agree 100% with everything you said above Alec literally everything you said feels like it came from my mouth.

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I applaud you defending the person's right to choose what they do with their body. Nobody has the right to prevent you from your own autonomy.

George Carlin on the sanctity of life... He addresses the issues


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Absolutely brilliant Alec. Clear on so many levels.

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Bingo. EVERYTHING you said. Thank you. ❤️

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Hallelujah! Everything you said

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Everyone is free to make their own choice for their own body. However, the living being inside the body is not given a choice. The problem is NOT that people do not want to have a child (they could easily give it up for adoption). The problem is it is problematic to carry a child. At a pro-life rally, a militant pro abortion protestor shoved her face into mine and said, "I AM NOT AN INCUBATOR." To which I replied, they get your uterus removed and you will never have to be in that position.

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well said. While I am personally pro-choice, I respect everyone's right to their own personal beliefs on this issue, as well as others. Yet, I still agree with many of your points. I believe everyone has a right to make this decision for themselves as there are valid reasons a woman may want to or need to make this decision. However, I do think this is another political distraction just as the mid-term elections are coming up to create a fire-storm around this hugely polarizing topic and to stoke the flames of division. We know this is a constant ploy from the far left agenda. I have been in the medical freedom fight from the start and have met with many 'patriot' groups. Just as you have mentioned that much of the liberal pro-choice groups, want to deny us the choice to choose what we put into our bodies and want to force everyone to take whatever medical intervention is dreamed of by the big pharma and global elite criminals, the opposite zeal is true of the patriot and medical freedom groups I have encountered. They are all about the right to choose what goes into your body, but are equally and rabidly zealous about denying a woman the right to choose abortion, even in the case of rape or incest. This is one of the most polarizing issues they can raise to keep us divided and fighting amongst ourselves instead of 'agreeing to disagree' on some points, but recognizing we are all in the same fight for humanity and freedom.

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Very well written. I loved this one AND....all the 'AND's" It is not a simple issue. Those AND's are important. It really pulled at my heartstrings- resonated with personal experiences. The early ultrasounds- tiny heartbeat.....I had lost a couple early in pregnancy after seeing that heartbeat......still saddens me. Thank you for your thoughts.

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Beautiful ❤️. I couldn't agree more !

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