The Way Forward with Alec Zeck
The Way Forward with Alec Zeck
A Grim Perspective with John O'Looney

A Grim Perspective with John O'Looney

In this episode, Alec and Vin sit down with John O’Looney as he shares his perspective as a funeral director during the ‘pandemic’, his outlook on the future of humanity and his passion for loving and serving others.

John O’Looney is the owner and director of Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services located north of London in the UK. John began speaking out after the rollout of the ‘pandemic’ when his first-hand experience consistently contradicted the narrative.

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The Way Forward with Alec Zeck
The Way Forward with Alec Zeck
We're charting the path towards, health, freedom, and awareness for all of mankind.
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